March 10, 2022
Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
We are starting the formation of working groups to help develop the Self-Study Report that will be the foundation of the university’s reaccreditation process. Please find a link below where you can sign up to volunteer for a Middle States working group. This is an opportunity to examine the institution’s strengths and weaknesses, offer recommendations for change, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Susquehanna.
The chairs and co-chairs are in place and preliminary work has started through the steering committee. Your participation will help your working group further define its focus and advance the work of conducting a self-study of Susquehanna. The working groups will start meeting this spring and will continue throughout next year. For more information, visit our reaccreditation website or reach out to Danielle Brown.
To see the working groups and volunteer, click here.
Thank you,
Danielle D. Brown, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness / Strategic Initiatives
Nick Clark, Steering Committee Chair, Associate Professor and Department Head of Political Science