Far more than general education requirements, the courses in the Central Curriculum invite you to open your mind and think differently about yourself and the world around you.

Our curriculum, including our award-winning GO program, will help you be more aware of the creative, natural, societal and cultural forces that shape the world around you. And arm you with critical skills that will make you a valuable employee in today’s marketplace.


Courses in the Central Curriculum make up 40 percent of our graduation requirements, and they easily fit with all of our 100+ majors and minors.

The Central Curriculum contains five complementary sections:

  • Richness of Thought — analytical, literary, artistic
  • Natural World — scientific
  • Human Interactions — social, historical, ethics, foreign language
  • Intellectual Skills — first-year seminar, writing intensive courses
  • Connections — diversity, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural experience and reflective seminar

The range of courses is quite diverse, so you’ll have plenty of options to expand your knowledge and gain new perspectives.

Add an interdisciplinary minor

Pursue an interest or enhance your major studies with an interdisciplinary minor. These minors combine courses from multiple departments to help you gain a better understanding of important topics in today’s world.

It’s easy to fit these flexible minors in with your other studies and our Central Curriculum requirements: