Dana Diehl ’11 and Melissa Goodrich ’11, The Classroom Beneath the Classroom, a jointly authored short fiction collection (forthcoming, Gold Wake Press)
Elizabeth Deanna Morris Lake ’11, Ashley Sugarnotch & the Wolf (forthcoming spring 2020, Mason Jar Press)
Other Non-Fiction Books
Nick Ripatrazone ’03, The Fine Delight: Postconciliar Catholic Literature (Cascade Books, 2013)
Nick Ripatrazone ’03, Wild Belief (forthcoming, Fortress Press)
Nick Ripatrazone ’03, Longing for Absent God (forthcoming, Fortress Press)
Poetry Books
Audrey Carroll ’12, Queen of Pentacles (Choose the Sword Press, 2016)
Catherine Pierce ’00, The Girls of Peculiar (Philadelphia, PA: Saturnalia Books, 2012)
Catherine Pierce ’00, Famous Last Words (Philadelphia, PA: Saturnalia Books, 2007), Winner, Saturnalia Prize
Jennifer Perrine ’00, No Confession, No Mass (University of Nebraska Press, 2015)
Jennifer Perrine ’00, In the Human Zoo (University of Utah Press, 2011)
Jennifer Perrine ’00, The Body Is No Machine (New Issues, 2007)
Julie Danho ’99, Six Portraits (Sleepy Hollow, NY: Slapering Hol Press, 2014)
Nick Ripatrazone ’03, Oblations (Gold Wake Press: 2015)
Nick Ripatrazone ’03, This Is Not About Birds (Gold Wake Press: 2012)
Shanna Powlus Wheeler ’04, Evensong for Shadows (Wipf and Stock, 2018)
Billie Tadros ’10, WAS BODY (forthcoming, Indolent Books)
Julie Danho ’99, Those Who Keep Arriving, early 2020.
Feature Magazines
Sarah Turcotte ’09, “Scars” (Atlantic Monthly, 2011)
Katie Pierce ’00, “I Dreaded Winter Until My Newborn Taught Me to Embrace It” (New York Times, 2019)
Tara Laskowski ’00, “The Case of the Vanishing Professor,” 2019 Agatha Award Winner (Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, 2019)
Nicole Schmidt ’18, “The Long Way Home” (Newtown Library, 2019)
Rory Meagher ’12, “The Castle in the Sky” (Fourteen Hills, 2019)
Christina Harrington ’11, “As We Rise from the River” (The Journal, 2019)