Each division of our CCR Team is working on critical goals as part of our strategic plan for the Violence Against Women Office. Below is an outline of goals each subcommittee of our CCRT is working on. To be included on the List Serv to receive monthly updates about our work or to get involved more email paradis@susqu.edu.

Comprehensive Prevention Subcommittee

  • Have consistent posted language, messaging and branding across campus and on the Susquehanna University website that focuses on proactive preventative behavior that will galvanize community buy-in and eliminate misperceptions and gaps in communication.
  • Increase our prevention education on campus to include the incorporation of evidence-based primary prevention that will focus on skill building for key topics related to gender-based violence that are culturally specific.
  • Increase our prevention education on campus to include the incorporation of evidence-based primary prevention for 100% of incoming students that is culturally specific.
  • Have a standard process and protocol for engaging, tracking and evaluating prevention programming on campus and adapting programming to meet the needs of our community.

Student Conduct Subcommittee

  • Have in place a set of clear, concise policies and procedures for addressing situations of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking that have been prepared and revised in line with recommendations for best policy practices.
  • Have communicated to and educated faculty, staff, students and CCRT members on the revised conduct policy.
  • Our campus conduct board will have a continual training schedule and be fully trained to respond effectively to situations involving sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

Law Enforcement Subcommittee

  • Have a signed and implemented MOU between Susquehanna University’s Public Safety Department and Selinsgrove Borough Police Department.
  • Have assisted in the development and participate in a countywide sexual assault protocol.
  • SU’s Public Safety Department and Selinsgrove Police Department will have designed and implemented an ongoing training schedule that allows for routine training of all officers.
  • SU’s Public Safety Department will have developed a process for assessing and evaluating the investigation process.

Victim/Survivor Support Services Subcommittee

  • Have a process in place to provide a survivor-centered, structured, initial meeting that is accessible for all campus student populations.
  • Have a permanent place on campus to provide survivor-centered support.
  • Have a developed advocacy program to better serve survivors of sexual violence.
  • Have universal screening for relationship and sexual violence at the University Health Center.