CenSUs Task Force:
Creating an Anti-Racist Community
In 2020, Susquehanna University President Jonathan Green issued a call to action for Susquehanna to step into its role as an actively anti-racist community. His charge led to the establishment of the CenSUs: Everyone Counts task force, which states that fundamental to the university’s future is that all members of its community are safe, valued, and provided with opportunities to thrive and flourish.
The task force’s work began with an examination of 14 documents that included surveys, an action plan produced by a consultant, reports from ad hoc committees, and individual observations. Taken as a whole, they pointed to five broad areas of concern, which turned into the five core subcommittees of the task force:
- Student-Centered Education
- Faculty and Staff Issues
- Campus Safety and the Counseling Center
- Website and Social Media
- Institution
Led by Shari Jacobson, associate professor of anthropology, and Olu Onafowora, department head and professor of economics, the task force was comprised 13 students, 25 staff members, 17 members of the faculty, and one member of the Board of Trustees.