Rachana Sachdev, Ph.D.
English & Creative Writing
- PHD, Univ of Pennsylvania College
- MPHIL, Delhi University
- MA, Delhi University
- BA, Delhi University
Associate Professor of English
Contact Information
Email Addressrsachdev@susqu.edu
Phone Number570-372-4200
Office LocationFisher Hall - Rm 229
- ENGL-100: Writing and Thinking
- ENGL-205: Literature Studies
- ENGL-250: World Literature
- ENGL-350: Studies in Major Authors
- ENGL-390: Special Themes and Topics
- ENGL-440: Applied Knowledge in the Discipline
- ENGL-505: Independent Study
- ENGL-540: Internship
- FYSE-100: First-Year Seminar
- HONS-200: Thought and Civilization
- HONS-301: 300-Level Honors Seminar
- INTD-505: Independent Study
- WRIT-540: Internship